Ive been playing this game for about a year I beat everything and almost have all the Commander Medals gold. But Im at the point where Ive played Conquest so much and win its no more fun and I cant ever find a game using Multiplayer. I just wish they would update it to where you gift for on all Continents at once! Or even if they update it at all.Ik there is is a 3rd one already out.It looks fugazy and you have to buy it so Im just hoping we can get some kind of an update I mean everyone else is asking for it as well..... Also I am reading everyone elses review about the Midway Islands what you have to do it take the land over and stop trying to destroy all the ships. Once you control all of the land the battle is over and you win its actually really simple! I promise you if you fail the first couple times you will start to see that the computer do the same moves and you will be able to counter easy. Also upgrade your commander medal for the Infantry to gold they are used the most and the cheapest and can really do a lot of damage this really helps a lot during the Campaign.
Bmore_Norman11 about
World Conqueror 2, v1.4.0